Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Favorite Holiday

My absolute favorite holiday would in fact be Christmas but more specifically, Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve is the perfect day where every one is happy and excited for the big day right around the corner. Ever since I was young, I always enjoyed the feeling of anticipation more than an actual event itself. There is always that wonder--that excitement that seemed more intriguing to me.

Anyways, the Christmas holiday is usually spent with my entire family because we all live so far away from one another, it's a chance for us to finally meet up and celebrate. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins--you name it, they're there. Every Christmas Eve a glorious feast of ham, turkey, fresh breads, cakes, pastries--the list is almost endless, are all prepared and laid out to munch on all throughout the day and into the next simply because no one wants to cook on Christmas Day and no one can wait to dig right in either. Also, every one usually tries to scope out the presents under the tree to guess what he or she will unwrap tomorrow. The whole day is full of a lot of food, drinks, music, dancing, and relaxing as we celebrate the joyous occasion. Pictures are taken, videos are recorded, and after every one becomes exhausted, the cousins all hang their stockings by the fireplace and leave out a plate full of goodies for Santa and his reindeer. The adults are usually pretty wasted by the end of the day and are usually watching a random movie anyways. For some reason, they always seem to be The Matrix Revolutions only because of my one geeky uncle who ALWAYS brings that DVD over even though he is the only one who actually enjoys that film. Hahaha.

Somewhat wearily, the cousins all head down to the basement to prepare to finally doze off in all the beds laid out for us but actually all hell manages to break due to the excitement and rush of adrenaline within every one usually exerting itself in the form of an intense pillow fight, extreme karate matches, mattress races down the stairs, or something similar to that extent. Music is blaring and the television is being watched by that one cousin who cannot live without missing an episode of Robot Chicken. It doesn't matter though, because the grown-ups can't hear upstairs. (:

I live for moments like these. Moments that one just doesn't want to end; moments that truly make every one relive his or her childhood memories once more. With all the excitement and anticipation brought along with Christmas Eve, usually leaving me feeling indifferent about Christmas itself. Now of course the relatively same routine takes place the next day but for some reason when the day is not actually at hand, it seems to be the most fun. Christmas Eve is full of so much crazy fun chaos when the whole family is gathered together, I wouldn't have it any other way. [So nostalgic~]


YVE said...

wow, it's really nice how you just described how you spend the holidays. Your family getting all together, and sleeping over; that would be really cool ( i've never done it before, since my whole family live around, so there's no need to spend the night over).
I think after every little detail that you just gave us, i would say Christmas is my favorite holiday as well, if i spend it like you do.
The fact that you have described how every family member action shows how important it is for you, since you describe it with so much imagery.
It was really nice getting to know how you and your family enjoy the holidays, and the descriptions of such event make me think how beautiful Christmas Eve is.
thanks :)

Elysia said...

Thanks! Yes a lot of my family lives far away from one another so Christmastime presents the opportunity for every one to gather at a relative's house and celebrate the holidays there. Haha, I did go into a lot of detail, but it really took me back writing it. It really is a lot of fun. (: