Sunday, January 10, 2010

Airline Security--So Great!

With the recent terrorist attacks brought on by the Christmas Bomber, extra precautions have been taken by TSA. Hmmm, that sounds familiar...

Mike Luckovich drew this political cartoon for the Atlanta Bugle on December 30, 2009. This cartoon deals with the Christmas Bomber who tried to detonate and "underwear bomb" on Christmas Day. Despite being on the Suspected Terrorist List, the Nigerian man breezed on through the airport security with no luggage, despite the fact that this flight was half way around the world, and the fact that it was a one way ticket should have raised some flags but nah, of course it didn't occur to any one. Anyways, he tried to set of the bomb but there was a technical difficulty when he tried to ignite detonator resulting into a failed mission to him yet great relief for us.

The cartoon suggests that in lieu of this recent attacks, it's necessary for us to have our underwear go through the x-ray scanner. It's ridiculous if you think about it--it takes a terrorist attack to increase security just to prevent that same attack from happening again. Take the Shoe Bomber for example, we always have to take off our shoes now. Also, no more liquids are allowed on board. It took real attacks to make security crack down on those specific areas, but they overlooked all other possibilities it seems.

I agree with the cartoonist in that he is simply proclaiming that things used to be "easier" to a certain extent when it came to airport security but after all these attacks with bombs in hidden areas make everything that much more difficult to track. I also agree with the cartoonist and his message subtly indicating the ineffectiveness of TSA and Security as a whole because they must wait for an actual attack to happen then they strengthen security to prevent THE SAME sort of attack from happening again. All those "extra precautions" taken on by security is to ensure the exact plot will not happen again. It's time they really should just take on fully body scanners because this crap is getting ridiculous. Especially considering how it gets past all that security.


Jess said...

That would be so embarrassing if you didn't have any underwear to take off! I'm kinda in the middle of this issue, based on the fact that I don't like my privacy invaded, but I'd like to be safe when I take an air plane. I'm in agreement that the body scanners will cover a lot of bases for potential bringers of terror, but wouldn't it be cheaper for the US to stop doing things that make people hate us?

Amanda said...

I agree that the TSA needs to be made fun of. I think people will get over the body scans, because people need to fly places in airplanes. I think that the best security measure is using common sense. I don't see how anyone could get anything past the full body scanners, but on a selfish note, it sure would make getting through security take forever.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Elysia, you bring up a good point on how security only gets tightened after an attack. I think at this point a full body scan seems to be the logical step to stop all these hidden weapons from going into the plane. But I hope they also consider privacy issues.

Goliathea said...

I like the cartoon, it's pretty funny and is able to draw the attention of the view easily. The heart shapes on the boxers if funny too. True, good analysis. Better security shouldn't have to take an attack to instigate it. I personally don't have a problem with beefing up security because I travel far less than anyone else. I do mind that the system is very inefficient. We can't seem to get speed with reliability.

Em said...

Okay, I would definitely rather go through a full body scan than have to take my underwear off at airports. Honestly, I don't see what the big privacy issue is about the full body scans. Look at the other side. I feel sorry for the security guy. Do you really think he wants to see 2,000 people's body every day? I certainly wouldn't.