Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The GOP's Dirty Sexy Money--LOL

First off I didn't make up that title, it was the title of the article, but I liked it so much I decided to use it! LOL. Anyways, a new scandal on the Hill is emerging! Apparently new reports surfaced yesterday that the Republican National Committee took their "young republican donors" out for a night on the town to "an edgy sexually themed Hollywood night club called Voyeur" aka a strip joint! Not only did they drop $17,514 to fly privately to the strip joint in class, but $9,099 at a Beverly Hills hotel, and the icing on the cake nearly $2,000 to the so-called "edgy strippers". As you can imagine, the GOP is in some hot water now. The RNC's chairman, Michael Steele, is facing much of the criticism. There are rumors that re-election for him is bleak calling this stunt "the end of his career". The article went on claiming that this could be disastrous for the republican party resulting in lost seats and even lost jobs.

I honestly could not read this article without laughing out loud. The author who wrote this writes exactly the way I do so it was enjoyable to read but other than that, this whole circumstance is just so pitiful. I mean really, you high rollers from the republican party, the best you can do to show your "young republican donors" a good time is to fly them out in class to a strip joint? Good to see their donations are put to excellent use! And the fact that they didn't think anyone will notice prominent members of the GOP at in the strip joint? Hahaha, you have got to be kidding me. Either way, it serves them right for being reckless like that. I agree with the author of this article in that the way they went about celebrating was completely moronic especially considering that they are notable figures who will be noticed for their actions--whether it's voting during Roll Call or flying to Hollywood to visit strip clubs. I would not be the least bit surprised to see some of the republicans lose their jobs after this.