Sunday, May 16, 2010

Senior Reflection; APs DONE, PARTAYYY!

OMG I did it! I finally finished all the AP Exams that I had to take this year and it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I know cliche but it's the truth. Haha, I also loved how they planned prom right at the close of the exams because that was just great too. I'm actually pretty exhausted right now from prom last night but it was a blast! I really liked seeing my fellow classmates all dressed up [some better than others (;] and finally celebrating a huge landmark in our high school career, our senior prom! I must admit though, it was INSANELY strange seeing some teachers/faculty there--and some were dancing. Yeaaaaaaaa, could have done without that but in general it was absolutely great for a "Disco Inferno" themed prom.